
How To Clear Up Dark Spots Under Eyes

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All About Dark Circles And How To Remove Them Permanently

All About Dark Circles And How To Remove Them Permanently Infographic

Pandas are cute, aren't they? But not if you are starting to look like one. And these days it's almost hard to meet a person who isn't experiencing this hurdle to achieving beautiful and healthy skin. Made worse by the looming pandemic days that are nothing short of a dark period in our lives, these tenacious dark circles are only worsening with almost little to no sleep schedules, endless uncertainty and the worst of all stress. But did you know that while we all have this one big problem to deal with there's another? Not all dark circles are the same, and hence there's no one-size-fits-all approach that will work to make your skin look healthy.

The skin around the eyes is not only extremely sensitive but quite thin and delicate as compared to other parts of the body. So many changes happening within the deeper layers of the skin will start showing like a mirror on the outer surface.

With all that said, it's not all that impossible to treat them. Here is all that we decoded about dark circles to help you out of our collective misery.

Tips From The Expert To Remove Under-eye Dark Circles

1. Common Causes Of Dark Circles?
2. DIY Home Remedies To Remove Dark Circles That Will Change Your Life
3. All About Under-eye Creams To Remove Dark Circles- What To Look For
4. Remove Dark Circles With One Healthy Habit At a Time
5. Invest In These Treatments To Remove Dark Circles
6. FAQs on dark circles

Common Causes Of Dark Circles?

Here are some causes of dark patches under the eyes:

Causes of Dark Circles Under The Eyes Infographic

Image: Shutterstock

  1. We all know we aren't getting any younger. So if you haven't had one, there's a very good chance you might be joining the widely spreading team.
  2. With ageing, we start losing collagen and fat underneath the eyes, as a result, the skin gets thinner and our skin, the worst possible mirror at its job, starts to show everything lying below your skin, namely the dark blood cells.
  3. Do you see this commonly occurring in your family? Think of the saying 'the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree'. It's quite possible that you are doing everything you can but to no effect because genetics have quite a part in those. Thin skin prompts and amplifies the visibility of blue and purple hues from the veins that lie underneath your skin. Moreover, melanin-rich skin which is quite susceptible to hyperpigmentation can cause dark circles.
  4. Do you feel like you have a cold that's ever-persistent? It could be another reason for dark circles. Nasal congestion or allergies that result in lower blood circulation to the area under your eyes may lead to your veins dilating and becoming darker.
  5. SCREEN TIME, one thing we can't escape especially now that the physical environment is a story of the past. Naturally, that causes our eyes to strain and the momentary relief we get from rubbing our eyes doesn't help either.
  6. Allergens in products that we use, sun exposure, unfulfilled sleep needs of our body, piling stress, underlying health problems like iron deficiency, and lifestyle habits like smoking exacerbates the dark circles.

Pro Tip: Figure out the reason behind your dark circles to give the proper treatment your skin needs. Consult a doctor if necessary.

External Factors That Causes Dark Circle

Image: Shutterstock

DIY Home Remedies To Remove Dark Circles That Will Change Your Life

Who doesn't like a good remedy lying around their house? But are you getting it right is the question?

  1. Be the "cold never bothered me anyway" girl from Frozen because cold compress is your new buddy! Applying it for 10 minutes twice a day may help reduce dark circles.

Cold Compress for Dark Circle

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Cucumber-laden aunties with face packs on might be doing it right! How? Cucumber has mild astringent and skin-lightening properties. Go away raccoon eyes! Slice up that juicy vegetable, refrigerate it for 30 minutes and then place them over your eyes. Want results? Don't forget to use it daily.

Cucumber Laden for Dark Circle

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Is cold compress not available? Use cold tea bags! Soak them in water, refrigerate and leave it on your skin for 10 minutes twice a day. Green tea is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties which help in soothing the strained capillaries under the eye area.

Cold Tea Bags for Dark Circle

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Mint leaves will leave you feeling minty fresh. They contain menthol that improves blood circulation, soothes and rejuvenates the skin. Being astringent it contracts the blood vessels around the eyes, reducing the blue tint. Plus, vitamin C in mint only makes the skin around the eyes appear brighter. Blend mint leaves and apply and leave them for 10 minutes to the affected area.
  2. Remember your mother running behind with that glass of milk? Well, now it's your time to run behind milk. The vitamins A and B6 in milk help build new skin cells while vitamin B12 naturally lightens dark skin and selenium protects the skin from harmful free radicals and sun damage. Just soak two cotton pads in cold milk and squeeze out excess. Place the cotton pads on the eyes covering the dark circles. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Repeat thrice a week.
  3. Love chocolates? Well, you are in for a ride because here's your excuse to eat more. But it should be dark chocolate as it's flavonol-rich which protects you from UV rays and slows down the ageing process caused by way too much time out in the sun.
  4. Aloe-wear it! Yes! Aloe vera is an effective moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory properties. Clean the under-eye area with moist cotton and apply massage aloe vera pulp under the eyes for 10 minutes. You don't need to rinse unless you find it sticky.
  5. Rosewater and whole milk are your best bet if you have sensitive skin. Take two teaspoons of milk and mix it with 1 teaspoon of whole milk. Soak two cotton pads in the mixture and cover your eye area with them for 20 minutes. Wash with normal water.
  6. Potato-potato? Call it whatever, but make complete use of it. Containing natural bleaching properties that can help lighten your skin under your eyes and prevent puffiness around it, potatoes might be quite helpful. Take chilled potatoes and grate them. Extract the juice in a bowl and soak cotton pads for a minute. Place them on your eyes for 20 minutes and wash them off with normal water.
  7. Mix and match and find the best you can! Turmeric and mint leaves are one possible concoction. Turmeric is known to rejuvenate tired and sagging skin. In a blender, puree mint leaves and strain to extract the juice. Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric to the juice. Apply the mixture to the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Allow it to dry and wash with cold water.
  8. The oil for all your needs-coconut oil! An extremely moisturising ingredient, it contains vitamin E and antioxidants that help repair damaged skin cells and dryness. It also is rich in lactic acid that tightens skin. Before going to bed, apply extra virgin oil on clean under-eye skin. Massage gently in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for a few minutes. Leave it overnight.
  9. One teaspoon of almond oil with a few drops of lemon juice is a magic potion. Retinol, vitamin E, and vitamin K, all these things in almond the delicate skin under your eyes smooth without irritating it. Massage the mixture around your eyes for 2 minutes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.
  10. Argan oil that contains vitamin E and tocopherols replenish moisture in skin cells and reduce wrinkles by repairing the skin's hydro-lipid layer. It also reduces fine lines and reduces the damage caused by the sun. Gently massage a few drops under the eyes for a few minutes before sleeping. Leave it overnight and rinse in the morning.
  11. Tomatoes are natural bleaching agents. They contain antioxidants that reduce discoloration around the eyes. Try this potent home remedy to banish dark circles: Extract tomato juice and mix ½ tsp of lemon juice and 2 tsp of gram flour to it. Apply the paste under the eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
  12. Orange juice, vitamin E oil, eating salmon, curbing salt and alcohol consumption, hydrating yourself, getting 8 hours of sleep, sleeping on your back, exercising, meditating, allergy medicines if required and moisturizing, moisturizing and moisturizing, are the many many ways you can treat your dark circles and reduce pigmentation around your eyes.

Ways to Treat Your Dark Circle

Pro Tip: Do a patch test before you apply anything directly. Remember to rinse anything that you apply because lingering residual ingredients may cause other skin problems or make the dark circles worse.

All About Under-eye Creams To Remove Dark Circles- What To Look For

Don't want to get into the hassle of researching and trying on millions of possible fits? Instead, look for these ingredients in your eye-creams because using the right cream can make all the difference.

Under-eye Creams To Remove Dark Circles

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Moisturise: Ingredients like glycerine and panthenol are good for soothing skin and locking moisture. You can also pump and lift the area around your eyes with the help of creams that have ceramides and hyaluronic acid.
  2. Brighten: You can brighten the area under your eyes and depuff the skin with the help of yeast extracts. Golden root, sugar beet and yeast combination can also soothe and depuffs the skin. Other ingredients like Vitamin C and kojic acid can also brighten the skin and help in under-eye pigmentation. For all you coffee and tea lovers, this is nothing related to you because you need to stop consuming it so much and instead start using products infused with green tea and caffeine, this may have temporary effects on your dark circles.
  3. Prevent thinning: Retinol increases cell turnover and collagen plumps and lifts the skin which helps in making it appear much healthier and nourishes the under-eye area.

Pro Tip: For better results make it a part of your daily skincare routine.

Remove Dark Circles With One Healthy Habit At a Time

Smaller changes in your lifestyle can help you in the longer run. Follow these habits that every skin expert swears by:

Healthy Habit to Remove Dark Circles

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Sleep better with at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to avoid exaggerating the appearance of dark circles. Sleep on your back with your head moderately elevated to minimize puffiness. Make use of the night mode in your phone all the time because it reduces UV rays that are known to cause disruptions in your natural sleep cycle.
  2. Put your health under a microscope. Smoking, passive smoke inhaling, being overweight, having triglyceride or high cholesterol only worsens things. Exercise, meditate and make some dietary changes to help this.
  3. Wearing sunscreen can help you avoid hyperpigmentation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that does both UVB and UVA protection to the lashline and wear sunglasses. If you are also looking to cover those bad boys, invest in concealers that contain an SPF with a broad spectrum.
  4. Ice balls and cryo balls when kept in the freezer overnight and run over the skin can help with the puffiness, oxygenating and lightening it. It is also quite rejuvenating and a great way to relax.
  5. Use the right ingredient combination for skincare that suits your skin. Research and use the above-mentioned ingredients as a guide to starting with.
  6. Fake it till you make it. Use colour-correction. If you see dark grey/blue undertones use a counteractive peachy concealer. If you see more red/ pink undertones, use a yellow base to neutralize.
  7. If that's not working for you, go for subtle but light-reflective products that will do the trick by helping the light to bounce out from under and even on the inner corner of the eyes. But use a lightweight powder above it to not draw too much attention to the under-eye area.

Pro Tip: When applying makeup, remember to not go heavy on the application and just use a thin veil.

Invest In These Treatments To Remove Dark Circles

A good skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle are all good but can still go for these treatments that improve the health of your under-eye area.

  1. Chemical peels not only treat dark circles but other pigmentation problems like age spots and melasma. This is especially good if you suffer from hyperpigmentation. Light peels can be used and they can help over a period of time. Some common peels that are used are mandelic lactic and glycolic acid. There can be some shedding of skin post-treatment, so it's nothing to worry about if it happens with you.

Treatments To Remove Dark Circles

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Laser Treatments such as QS-Alexandrite, QS-Ruby, 1550nm Fraxel, and 1064 Nd: YAG can be used near the eye since it's quite vulnerable to injury. It may require a few courses to make it better.
  2. Microneedling prompts the skin cells to get into repair mode which in turn prompts lightening of the dark pigments. If combined with chemical peels, this can increase the penetration and activity of the peel. Redness and swelling are common after the procedure.
  3. Tear trough filler can be used to better the appearance of lower eyelid dark circles. Hyaluronic acid filler injections (like Restylane or Juvederm) will help by re-plumping the area and pushing the skin up and away from the blood vessels.

Tear Trough Filler To Remove Dark Circles

Image: Shutterstock

FAQs on dark circles

Q. Are dark circles under the eyes hereditary?

A. The appearance of dark circles could be due to a variety of reasons – nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, or allergies. But the most common cause is that they are hereditary. Often, the genes passed down from parents are the leading cause for many.

Q. Is aloe vera gel good for eye bags and wrinkles?

A. If there's one product that works effectively for both eye bags and wrinkles, it's aloe vera gel. A storehouse of essential vitamins, namely vitamin E, C, B12 and A, aloe vera gel is also known for its anti-inflammatory, and anti-ageing properties, which helps you combat pesky under-eye bags and wrinkles.

Q. Are there any medications or treatments for this?

A. Vitamin C supplements are effective in dealing with wrinkles and eye bags. The vitamin aids in the making of collagen, which improves skin elasticity, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Treatment for this condition should be based on the factor causing it. If it is due to an allergic reaction to something, anti-allergy medicines should be consumed. If the factor causing it is linked to genes, then treatments like under-eye fillers can be considered, which add volume to the under-eye bag, helping it transition better to the cheek. A doctor should be consulted before any medication or treatment is considered.

Q. How long does it take to remove dark circles?

A. The nature of the dark circles determines how long it will take to reduce them. If they are caused due to fatigue or lack of sleep, adequate sleep will help solve the problem in a couple of weeks. For more stubborn dark circles, continuous treatment and changes in diet and lifestyle should show a change.

Q. What is a good eye care routine?

A. A good, hydrating moisturizer goes a long way in keeping the skin around your eyes well-nourished and healthy, and should always be part of your eye care routine. Despite moisturizers advocating the inclusion of SPF in their formula, it is better to opt for a separate sunscreen, especially because the skin around your eyes is doubly sensitive compared to the rest of your face. There's no denying the beauty of eye makeup, but if not removed properly, it causes more harm than good. Mostmakeup removers are too harsh for this part of your face and can lead to irritation and dryness. Instead of chemicals, opt forbaby oil, or olive oil, as a gentler (and more nourishing) alternative to removing your eye makeup. Lastly, but most importantly, good sleep (in terms of quality of sleep, and not just number of hours clocked in) staying hydrated, and regulation of salt in your diet is also key in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and eye bags.

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How To Clear Up Dark Spots Under Eyes


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